Mittwoch, 1. April 2020

Hat die Inkarnation Ahrimans bereits stattgefunden? Beobachtungen von Terry Boardman

Gollum, by Frederic Bennet, 2014

Eben habe ich über Bradford Riley, meinen amerikanischen Facebookfreund, einen interessanten Blogbeitrag über die mögliche Inkarnation Ahrimans im Mai 2000 von Terry Boardman (vom 26. März 2020) gelesen, dessen zweite Hälfte ich hier aus aktuellem Anlass kopieren möchte:

We recall at this time of the 3rd repetition of 666 that the battle flag of the Knights Templar was the Beaucéant, a rectangular flag that consisted of a square of black above a square of white. And what did we see around the time of the millennium emerging from the cultural life of the Anglo-American world?

Two great cinematic trilogies –The Lord of the Rings and The Matrix, which both presented, in their very different ways, the very image of which Steiner spoke: the division of humanity: those who choose the Christ, the white magicians, and the adversaries, the black magicians who are bound in matter.  The two films are also filled with an atmosphere of inexorably rising threat and tension  – the power of terrible dark forces which seek to dominate the entire world and enslave and/or slaughter mankind – this just after the year 1998 (3 x 666). It takes several years to bring a film from initial conception to the cinemas, so we can assume that in the year 1998 those films were either in the planning stage or were actually being made. According to Rudolf Steiner: the signature of the 3rd repetition of 666 would be beings moving among us with non-human faces and the beginning of the division of humanity into two, non-racial, groups races – the moral and the immoral, or amoral. The Sorathic gesture, he said, would begin to show itself in the outer appearance of some human beings. Here (Below left) we see a man in the late 1990s who wanted to transform his body into that of a lizard, and (below right) a Swedish rock singer with the metal band Dark Funeral; vocalists with such bands do not sing but growl or scream. He calls himself Lord Ahriman. In the 1990s, with the spread of the Internet, the names Ahriman and even Sorath were becoming more well-known, especially among young people such as those in the metal rock scene.

First conclusion
I come then now to my first conclusion: namely, that the physical vehicle for Ahriman was conceived, so to speak, in August 1999 at the time of the Grand Cross and the total Sun eclipse and was then born 9 months later in early May 2000 at the time of the meeting of the 7 planets opposed to Pluto conjunct Antares in the Scorpion.
Having being born in 2000, the human vehicle in 2003 would be 3 years old, so, assuming birth in May 2000:
From May 2000 to May 2001 he was learning to stand and walk
From May 2001 to May 2002 he was learning to speak
From May 2002 to May 2003 he was learning to think
One can look at the events of the years 2000 – 2009 from this perspective. 2008 was his 9th year. The 9th/10th year in child development is the year when Ahriman slips into the subconscious experience of the child. Many children begin to wonder if their parents are really their parents. Angst can set in. 2008-2009, the 9th/10th years of the new millennium, were marked by the economic ‘tsunami’, the signature of which was intense fear that the economic ground would suddenly be removed from under the feet of all of us. I see the situation thereafter with regard to the ‘vehicle’ evolving as follows:
•     From birth – 21 the vehicle would keep a low profile, though world events would ‘reflect’  the stages of his development, especially at the ages: 7-9-12-14-18 and 21.
•    He would then “come fully of age” in 2021.
•    He would then make his presence felt on the world stage in the 2030s.
•    He would dominate world affairs, most likely through proxies, as he would prefer to remain  unrecognised, for at least 3 years till 2033 (which is 2000 years from the three years of the Mystery of Golgotha and 100 years on from what Rudolf Steiner indicated would be the coming of the Beast from the Abyss in 1933), or for perhaps 12 years 2030 – 2042.
In 2011-2012 he experienced his first Jupiter return – the 12 year cycle. In 2012-14 he passed through puberty. We all know the great and often tumultuous changes that can take place at that time in child development. One can think of how in the years before 2012 we were prepared by the media to look forward to the Olympic Games which were to take place in London, and that city was to be for a key period the focus of world attention. The various Olympic Games ceremonies in 2012 were deliberately staged global cult spectacles far more sinister and suggestive in nature than the even larger spectacles presented in Beijing four years earlier.  Towards the end of the Ahrimanic vehicle’s puberty experience, in 2014 we had the centenary of the outbreak of World War I, which had begun the agonies of the 20th century. The crisis of 1914 had its immediate forerunner in the Balkan Wars (1912-13) which came out of the Italo-Turkish War of 1911, a conflict fought mainly in North Africa. This was paralleled in our time by the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ event of 1911 and the Greek economic crisis 2012. Then, in 2013/2014 came the Ukraine Crisis and the beginning of what was soon recognised as the second Cold War between Russia and the West. The Syrian Civil War was a terrible theatre within this larger conflict and it produced the unprecedented horrors committed by the so-called ‘Islamic State’ (also known as ISIS or IS). The following four years were a period of gathering tension between and within countries, not least due to the waves of mass migration that flowed from the Middle East to Europe which was itself increasingly consumed by social crises.  In late 2018 we saw the centenary of the end of the Great War, which all in all, including the Soviet revolution, can be seen as constituting for Ahriman both a great achievement and a great defeat: Steiner spoke of how in 1914 Ahriman had clouded the consciousnesses of the 40 or so men in the chancelleries of Europe that were responsible for the July Crisis that led to war. And also late 1918 and the first half of 2019 signified the first Moon Node of the vehicle (18 years 7 months). Finally, in 2020 – 2021, the Ahrimanic vehicle will experience ‘adulthood’ ; the full incarnation  of some kind of ‘ahrimanic ego’.
[P.S. And now in March 2020 we are seeing the deceptive manipulation of an alleged medical pandemic crisis to bring about a complete transformation of the socio-economic order; the overall gesture of this current crisis is contraction: fear, restriction and total control in a global scale, the suspension of freedoms and liberties – all effected with tremendous rapidity.][1]

Weil nicht nur ich ähnliche Vorahnungen hege, bin ich natürlich nicht überrascht über solche Versuche, die bevorstehende Inkarnation gerade auf unsere aktuelle, doch sehr dramatische und einmalige Zeitsituation zu beziehen. Dabei vertraue ich der geistigen Kompetenz von Terry Boardman, dessen Beiträge in der Zeitschrift „Der Europäer“ mich immer wieder bewegt haben.
Bradford Riley selbst kommentiert den Beitrag und spricht von einer im Augenblick stattfindenden globalen Herzattacke (global heart attack), aus der im besten Fall eine ganz neue Menschheitsidentität hervorgehen könnte:

Bradford Riley If the 9/11 event wasn't primitive, silly and Old School enough, where a certified Fallen Fire Spirit was again invoked and stirred itself. Our current digital identity recovery from the cessation of the pulmonary globe and heart and lungs of 7 billion people puts us in the vicinity of the ego stirring of an Fallen Archai of the Ahrimanic type by 2021. This current global heart attack, will resuscitate an entirely New Identity System for Humanity. It is appropriate to look over the Boardman research and our 9/11 research to see how we arrived at this shattering new mark in the fall of civilization.

Natürlich denke ich dabei auch an die Herzattacke meiner Exfrau am 27. Februar, unmittelbar vor dem Ankommen des Corona-Virus in Italien und dann auch in Deutschland, das die Welt – wie Theo Kroll es in einem Kommentar bezeichnete – in ein „künstliches Koma“ versetzte. Es stimmt: es ist mit der Lunge vor allem das rhythmische System des dreigliedrigen menschlichen Organismus betroffen. Auch die Angst, die sich im Zusammenhang mit dem unsichtbaren Virus in der ganzen Welt ausbreitet, betrifft das mittlere System im Seelischen: das Fühlen.

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